A Devotion - Finding Our Happy Place
[Note: This devotion was written by a member at Emmanuel who wishes to remain anonymous. If you are willing, I would love for you to share a devotion with our church family as well. You can send it to rockypugh@gmail.com.]
There’s an old movie in which is sung the song “Everybody’s Got A Laughing Place”. That song makes me think of a whimsical expression I’ve heard in recent years, something to the effect of “Finding Our Happy Place”, which I think everyone would like to be able to do.
Probably for many people, finding their happy place is dependent on good circumstances; undoubtedly, when things are going well for us, we do tend to have a more cheerful outlook. However, we know that here and there throughout life we will have times of trouble; in those times of sorrow, pain, disappointment, uncertainty, or any number of other hardships, is it possible to find our happy place? I can attest that, yes, it is possible!
Though I certainly don’t always behave in a way that reflects it, I have found my happy place; yet it is not due to anything that I have done…it is all of God. He is the One who has bestowed on me eternal life through faith in His Son Jesus, who gave His life for mine; He is the One who is continually teaching and maturing me through His most precious word; He is the One who draws me close to Him and reminds me of His everlasting love and ever-abiding presence; He is the One who calls me to commune with Him in sweet hours of prayer; He is the One who meets all my needs and keeps all His promises.
I could go on and on about our Wonderful, Almighty, Majestic, Loving, Gracious God; but there’s one more thing in particular that I’d like to point out: As I have been writing this, it has occurred to me that my happy place is not a place at all…rather, my Happy Place is God Himself!
If you are longing to find your happy place, “Draw near to God and He will draw near to you.” (James 4:8) Come daily before the Lord in prayer, to the “throne of grace” (Hebrews 4:16); come daily into His presence through His life-giving word, asking Him to open your eyes, that you “may behold wonderful things” from His law (Psalm 119:18). As you cultivate your relationship with Him, I believe that you too will find your enduring Happy Place, God Himself.
“Lord, You have been our dwelling place in all generations.”
~~ Psalm 90:1 ~~