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  • Writer's pictureBro. Rocky

A Devotion - Finding Our Happy Place

[Note: This devotion was written by a member at Emmanuel who wishes to remain anonymous. If you are willing, I would love for you to share a devotion with our church family as well. You can send it to]

There’s an old movie in which is sung the song “Everybody’s Got A Laughing Place”. That song makes me think of a whimsical expression I’ve heard in recent years, something to the effect of “Finding Our Happy Place”, which I think everyone would like to be able to do.

Probably for many people, finding their happy place is dependent on good circumstances; undoubtedly, when things are going well for us, we do tend to have a more cheerful outlook. However, we know that here and there throughout life we will have times of trouble; in those times of sorrow, pain, disappointment, uncertainty, or any number of other hardships, is it possible to find our happy place? I can attest that, yes, it is possible!

Though I certainly don’t always behave in a way that reflects it, I have found my happy place; yet it is not due to anything that I have done…it is all of God. He is the One who has bestowed on me eternal life through faith in His Son Jesus, who gave His life for mine; He is the One who is continually teaching and maturing me through His most precious word; He is the One who draws me close to Him and reminds me of His everlasting love and ever-abiding presence; He is the One who calls me to commune with Him in sweet hours of prayer; He is the One who meets all my needs and keeps all His promises.

I could go on and on about our Wonderful, Almighty, Majestic, Loving, Gracious God; but there’s one more thing in particular that I’d like to point out: As I have been writing this, it has occurred to me that my happy place is not a place at all…rather, my Happy Place is God Himself!

If you are longing to find your happy place, “Draw near to God and He will draw near to you.” (James 4:8) Come daily before the Lord in prayer, to the “throne of grace” (Hebrews 4:16); come daily into His presence through His life-giving word, asking Him to open your eyes, that you “may behold wonderful things” from His law (Psalm 119:18). As you cultivate your relationship with Him, I believe that you too will find your enduring Happy Place, God Himself.

“Lord, You have been our dwelling place in all generations.”

~~ Psalm 90:1 ~~

[A guest post by Stan Winslett. Be sure to send him thanks for taking the time to write this for us!]

I am so good at this… worrying! Well I should be. I have had enough practice at it for many years. I think we all do to some extent, whether we are students worrying about exams and financing an education, or adults who are just trying to provide for themselves or their families. But, the more I dive into God’s Word and build my faith in Him through His strength; I find the pressures of life to be much more manageable on a day to day basis. He has the power to relieve my mind and yours, if we will just take Him at His word.

One of my favorite chapters in the Bible is Matthew 6 as Jesus teaches several principles of life. In fact, He spends the first part of the chapter on teaching several “what not to do” lessons. Over the years, I have failed at those. But, he ends the lesson with the solution to life’s worries. I will concentrate on that portion, but I encourage you to read the entire chapter for context. Let’s look at some of His points in this lesson beginning in verse 19.

Jesus specifically warns us to not put our trust in accumulated wealth because it is not dependable. Money cannot buy real peace and it can be gone or greatly reduced in an instant! We certainly have seen that on several occasions in the last few decades. Moths, rust and thieves come in various forms, and can destroy our perceived security very quickly. We must be devoted to God instead (v24).

Here’s a quick look at the rest of the passage.

This is a great passage on anxiety. Why do I worry? Because, my faith in Jesus is lacking (v30). Worry only hurts us and cannot add a single moment to our life (v27). It really takes away from our enjoyment of the present moment that we live in. God is in control! We must trust Him. He takes care of the birds of the air and He declares our worth to be much more than theirs (v26). He promises to take care of those who believe. Do not worry (v31). Worry is not His formula for believers.

Instead, the priority for us is found in verse 33. Seek (desire, strive for, ask for) first His, kingdom and His righteousness and then all our needs will be taken care of. His righteousness is in Jesus Christ alone! He is the one master spoken of in verse 24. We must put Him first. He knows what we need (v32). We must live for Him and trust in Him in this present moment. After all, that is all that we have. Worrying about the future is not God’s plan for believers (v34).

I will try to do better… in His strength… I fail when I depend on my strength.

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